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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Mold Temperature Controller

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The extremely economical GMC Series accurately monitors and maintains temperatures to within 1 degree of set point, and maintains the optimum production temperature by sampling mould temperature four times every second. As a result, target temperatures are hit with precision and are accurately maintained cycle after cycle, maximizing output and minimizing rejects.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Air Dryers, Blenders, Box Type Dryer, Box Type Dryer Po, Box Type Dryers, Centarlized Material Handlling Systems, Central Conveying Systems, Centralised Lubrication Machinery, Chemical Dryer, Chemical Evaporators, Chiller, Compressed Air Dryer, Conveyer Jet Loader, Dehumidifing Equipments For Plastics, Dehumidifing Machinery For Plastics, Dehumidifying Dryer, Dehumidifying Dryer Dmz, Dosers For Plastic Industires, Dryers, Dryers For Plastic, Evaporation Machinery, Falling Film Evaporator, Flash Dryers, Fluidized Bed Dryer, Gas Dryers, Granulator, Granulator And Grinders, Granulator Smgl, Grease Gun, Hopper For Plastic, Hopper For Plastic Industires, Hot Air Dryer, Hot Air Dryer Mgd, Hot Air Dryers, Industrial Dryers, Jet Loaders, Lubricant Spray, Lubrication Machinery, Lubrication Tools, Material Blenders, Material Tanks, Mold Temperature Controller, Mold Temperature Controllers, Oil Mist Lubrication, Plastic Ancillary Units, Products, Refrigerated Air Dryers, Rotary Dryers, Temperature Controller, Thermal Conduction Vaccum Dryer, Thermal Conduction Vacuum Dryer, Thermal Conduction Vacuum Dryers, Thin Film Evaporators, Vacuum Dryer, Vacuum Evaporators, Volumetric And Garvimetric Blending Systems, Water Circulation System